
InfoSoft Group

Industria : Teknologji   /   Nr. Anegino : CB63YG81

InfoSoft Group

InfoSoft Systems sh.a.

Operatore Dokumentash
Business Analyst
Menaxher Shitjesh
Asistente ne Burime Njerezore
Menaxher Produktesh Software
Pergjegjes/e Kontabiliteti
Sales Manager
Infosoft Office shpk, is seeking to recruit: Sales Manager
Infosoft Office shpk, kerkon te punesoje Punetor Magazine
ITD shpk, kerkon te rekrutoje Specialiste Logjistike
Algrafika shpk, kerkon Shofer
IT Gjergji Kompjuter shpk, kerkon Teknik per Riparimin e Printerave & Fotokopjeve
Al Grafika shpk kerkon te punesoje Magazinier/e
ITD shpk, is seeking to recruit Sales Manager
Infosoft Systems, kerkon Punonjes ne pritje te klienteve ne servis
ITD shpk, kerkon Produkt Menaxher per Produktet IT
Infosoft Office shpk, kerkon Punetor Magazine
ITD shpk, is seeking to recruit Sales Manager
Infosoft Office sha, kompania lider ne tregun shqiptar per produktet kancelarike, kerkon Produkt Menaxher
Infosoft Office sha, kompania lider ne tregun shqiptar per produktet kancelarike, kerkon Menaxher Shitjesh
Infosoft Business Solutions kerkon Operations Manager
Infosoft Systems shpk kerkon Specialist Marketingu & PR
InfoSoft Group is looking for a SharePoint Developer
Infosoft Office sha, kompania lider ne tregun shqiptar per produktet kancelarike, kerkon Produkt Menaxher
InfoSoft Systems sh.a kerkon Specialiste Logjistike